Network & Computer Maintenance

Computer & Network maintenance
This is critical to the smooth running of your computer & network. Computers have become such an important part of our day-to-day lives, that we have to take care of them. You as our client we immediately put a preventative maintenance program in place for your computers & Network.
Preventative maintenance
This means that we will perform scheduled maintenance cleaning, checks and updates on your computer & Network to prevent system problems instead of waiting until your computer breaks down. Our preventative maintenance plans will help to protect your computer from possible breakdowns and extend its life. Unfortunately, computer maintenance is ignored by most computer users. The general practice is to use the computer until it is broken and then it is either repaired or replaced!
Here is what The FingerPrint Solutions will do with our Computer & Network Maintenance services;
Data Protection
There is a very high risk of possibly losing your data if you do not perform preventative computer maintenance. Without maintenance, your computer is susceptible to breakdowns.
Save Your Time
When your computer stops working, you have to either repair it or replace it. You will definitely be losing valuable man hours with whichever of these options you chose.
Save Your Money
The cost of repairing or replacing your computer can be costly. Spending a few hours each month performing computer maintenance tasks will be worth it.
Better Computer & Network Performance
Maintenance will help to keep your computer in good working condition.