About Us

Established in Tanzania in 2016 with the aim of successfully integrating innovation and technology in business, The FingerPrint Solutions has grown to become one of the leading IT business solutions providers in Tanzania. A regional player and a firm committed to fostering outstanding customer relations, we provide first rate IT solutions and services. In addition, we combine and adopt pioneering IT knowledge in developing competent solutions that keep businesses one-step ahead of the competition.
Steered by a highly qualified team of product specialists and consultants, we strive to help clients meet their daily business objectives, handling their most difficult and complex IT problems and freeing them to do more with less, whilst delivering new business functionality faster.
Whether your business requires Network Management, IT Consultation, Software Development, Deployments, Hosting, Technical Support, Maintenance, Testing; or you’re simply looking for the ideal Security Solutions software; The FingerPrint Solutions will identify the perfect & unique IT solution for you. We will listen carefully to your issues and needs and recommend innovative technology and proven methods that will help you succeed.